Getting started =============== First, you need to import the `gedcom_parser` module. .. code-block:: python import pygedcom To get started with the `gedcom_parser` module, you'll need to initialize a `GedcomParser` object: .. code-block:: python parser = pygedcom.GedcomParser(path="path/to/your/gedcom_file.ged") You can check the parsing statistics to ensure that you've parsed the file correctly: .. code-block:: python print(parser.get_stats()) It's a good practice to verify your GEDCOM file before parsing it. You can do this with the following command: .. code-block:: python verif = parser.verify() if verif.status == 'ok': print("Your GEDCOM file is valid") else: print("Your GEDCOM file is not valid") print(verif.errors) Here is the full setup block: .. code-block:: python import pygedcom parser = pygedcom.GedcomParser(path="path/to/your/gedcom_file.ged") verif = parser.verify() if verif.status == 'ok': print("Your GEDCOM file is valid") else: print("Your GEDCOM file is not valid") print(verif.errors) print(parser.get_stats())